12F313 - 3Ø Tangent w/ 1Ø End-of-Arm Lateral
Revision 12
Jul 17, 2023
- Minimum 7’-0” for poles up to 45’ in height. Increase spacing to 8’-0” for poles 50’ and taller.
- “T” link fuses must be ordered separately. Refer to Compatible Units E1001 - E1200.
- Do not specify preformed aluminum deadend Compatible Unit’s (T010+) if the neutral is #6 or #4 solid Cu. Instead, specify flexible bail automatic deadends Compatible Unit T0508 (for #6 solid Cu) or T0509 (for #4 solid Cu).
Compatible Unit | Description | Quantity |
A0101 | Anchor, 8" Single Helix | 1 |
E0202 | Cutout, 100A 15kV Fuse Holder | 1 |
G0111 | 3/8" Guy w/ FG Strain Insul 20' Lead on 45' Pole (Med Loads,1-Bolt/2-Lag Mounting) | 1 |
I0103 | Insulator, #2 Single Point Secondary Rack | 1 |
I0387 | Insulator, Sgl Polymer Vise-Top Insulator - 5/8" x 6-1/2" Pin Fiberglass Crossarm Mount | 2 |
I0390 | Insulator, Sgl Pole Top Pin w/ Polymer Vise-Top Insulator | 1 |
I0308 | Insulator, Dbl Insulator - One-Way End-of-Arm DE | 1 |
R0102 | Crossarm Mount w/ 3/8" x 6" Carriage Bolts (For Standard 7', 10', 11' & 13' Crossarms) | 1 |
T010+ | Deadend, Preform | 1 |
T030* | Clamp, Straight Line Deadend | 1 |
X0301 | Crossarm, 10' Tangent Fiberglass | 1 |
Z010* | Clamp, Hotline | 1 |
Z063* | Connector, Wedge | 1 |
Z063* | Connector, Wedge | 1 |