D0505SC - 15kV 600A Gang-Operated S&C Unitized Switch
Revision 2
Mar 22, 2018
- The S&C 15kV gang switch is configured with two phases right of the pole and one phase left. In certain locations this phase arrangement may be preferable to the Inertia 15kV gang switch which has two phases left of the pole and one phase right. See Compatible Unit D0505INT for more details.
- Refer to Assembly Unit 12F713 for additional details on switch mounting preferences.
- Ground switch control rod and handle with single ground plate or ground rod. Refer to Compatible Unit N0101 or Compatible Unit N0110. Connect switch control rod to ground wire directly below the control rod insulator per Figure 1, S&C switch ground detail.
- Switch is packaged with enough control rod, guide bearings and couplings for installations up to 38' above grade. Maximum installation height is 52' above grade. For control rod extension materials refer to Compatible Unit D0506SC.
- Switch handle and operating rod may be positioned anywhere within 90° clockwise of the pole face. Switch handle and operating rod should be installed so as to minimize hazards to the operator and avoid conflicts with other pole mounted equipment. To avoid interference between the handle and adjustment plates, the handle bracket shall be installed 3" below the adjustment plates. The adjustment plates shall be set so that positive pressure is required to lock the handle into the close and open position. When the switch handle is set into the locking disk, there shall be no play in the switch handle.
- When deadending on the switch arm, maximum allowable deadend loading is 750 lb/Ø and maximum allowable double deadend loading is 8,000 lb/Ø.
Compatible Unit | Item | Description | Qty | MID |
D0505SC | A | Bolt, Machine 5/8" x 16" | 10 | 124214 |
B | Bolt, Machine 5/8" x 18" | 2 | 124222 | |
C | Bolt, Machine 3/4" x 16" | 2 | 124602 | |
D | Connector, C-Crimp Cu #2-#2 | 1 | 211524 | |
E | Padlock, HS Stl Shkl "P" Key 11/16" | 1 | 412693 | |
F | Switch, 600A 15kV 3Ø Gang-Op SC Omnirupter | 1 | 506743 | |
G | Washer, Galv Sq 3" Curved 13/16" Hole | 12 | 910019 | |
H | Washer, Galv Double Coil Spring Lock 5/8" | 12 | 1001443 | |
I | Washer, Galv Double Coil Spring Lock 3/4" | 2 | 1001445 |