12F321 - 3Ø Underbuild Single 10' Arm Framing (Steel or Concrete Pole)
Revision 6
Jul 10, 2014
- Fiberglass crossarms and vise-top or clamp-top insulators are required to support distribution conductors on steel or concrete poles. Crossarms must also be sized to provide 15" minimum separation from phase conductors and the pole. Refer to T&D Guideline 4-23-8.0 for more information.
- Engineer must specify the size and number of down guys depending on conductor design tension, line angle, available down guy lead, soil class and span length. Refer to T&D Guideline Section 4-6 and Compatible Unit Sections A and G.
- Engineer must specify two 3/4" machine bolts for the crossarm supports, a 5/8" machine bolt for the neutral spool and appropriate washers based on pole diameter and type.
- Crossarms to be set to split the angle in the line. Guy should be set in the plane of the crossarm if possible.
Compatible Unit | Description | Quantity |
I0110 | Insulator, Spool w/ Rack #2 | 1 |
I0387 | Insulator, Sgl Polymer Vise-Top Insulator - 5/8" x 6-1/2" Pin Fiberglass Crossarm Mount | 3 |
R06+ | Bolt, Machine 5/8" | 1 |
R06* | Bolt, Machine 3/4" | 2 |
R07+ | Washer | 1 |
R07* | Washer | 2 |
X030* | Crossarm, Fiberglass | 1 |