T1570 - 1Ø 200A 15kV 4-Way J-Box Cabinet

Revision 4
Dec 28, 2023

Compatible UnitItemDescriptionQtyMID
T1570ABolt, Kwik 3/8" x 2"6112045
 BWasher, Galv Rd 1-3/8" Flat 9/16" Hole6196461
 CPadlock, Disposable1412651
 ECabinet, J-Box 1Ø 200A 15kV 4-Way1801200


  1. The 4-way J-box is installed in the J-box cabinet in the District’s Transformer Shop before the cabinet is placed into inventory.
  2. The District installs 1Ø J-box cabinets on open bottom mini-vaults. Refer to Compatible Unit V0300 for the fiberglass mini-vault and V0300A for the concrete mini-vault used with 1Ø J-box cabinets. The choice of mini-vault type is generally based on the type of mini-vault being specified for the pad-mounted transformers in a given development.
    Fiberglass and concrete mini-vaults should not be mixed in the same development.