N0303-4 - Ground Rod Installation for Underground Distribution Systems

Revision 1
Aug 28, 2013

Compatible Unit Item Description Qty Mid
N0303 A Connector, C-Crimp Cu #2-#2 1 211524
  B Clamp, Ground Rod 5/8” 1 880709
  C Rod, Ground 5/8” x 8’ 1 902206
  D Wire, #2 Cu Bare SD Sol 15' 100027

Compatible Unit Item Description Qty Mid
N0304 A Connector, C-Crimp Cu #2-#2 1 211524
  B Clamp, Ground Rod 5/8” 2 880709
  C Rod, Ground 5/8” x 8’ 2 902206
  D Wire, #2 Cu Bare SD Sol 25' 100027


  1. Ground plates are preferred for grounding during vault installation, refer to Compatible Unit page N0301 - N0302.
    Use ground rods for grounding vaults already set and backfilled.
  2. Two grounds are required for j-box vaults and end of lateral vaults; refer to Compatible Units N0302 (2-ground plates) and N0304 (2-ground rods).