DB0108-DB0112 - Fixed Overhead Capacitor Bank

Revision 1
Apr 7, 2020

Description Qty MID
1Ø Fixed Capacitor Tank (Multiple Sizes)1 - -------
Wire Tap OH Insulated #4 Soft Drawn Copper Solid 25' 5000980
Frame, Capacitor Bank, Pole-Mounted 1 5001201


  1. Engineer must specify the Compatible Unit for desired capacitor bank size:
    Compatible UnitDescriptionQtyMID
    DB0108300 kVAR (3 - 100) 3646028
    DB0109450 kVAR (3 - 150) 3646094
    DB0110600 kVAR (6 - 100) 6646028
    DB0111900 kVAR (6 - 150) 6646094
    DB0111A1200 kVAR (6 - 200) 6646101
    DB01121350 kVAR (9 - 150) 9646094
    If a capacitor bank size different from those listed above is required, the bank must be custom assembled from individual capacitor tanks.
  2. Coordinate with the Apparatus department to have the capacitor bank pre-assembled.
  3. Refer to Assembly 12F615 for mounting details.