891607.2 Poly Cable Tag Assembly Instructions

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Revision 2
Nov 18, 2011

1. Scope

This specification covers the requirements for assembling sequentially numbered plastic cable tags for the District. The type and size of the tags are illustrated below.

2. Materials

2.1 The District shall provide the vendor with a list of sequentially numbered 5-digit cable numbers and the names of the District offices to which they are assigned.

2.2 The District shall provide the following materials for use in assembling and packaging cable tags:

  • Plastic tags
  • Plastic tag holders
  • Small tuck-cover boxes for packaging assembled tags, District Material ID 1000114
    • Nominal inside dimensions: 11-1/8" L x 8-3/4" W x 2" D
  • Large boxes for bulk packaging small boxes, District Material ID 450560
    • Nominal inside dimensions: 15" L x 15" W x 10" D
  • Note: Boxes will be shipped flat. It shall be the vendors responsibility to assemble them.

2.3 The tag assembly vendor (hereafter referred to as the vendor) shall supply the following:

  • Rubber cement (if needed)
  • Rubber bands - Size 64: 1/4" W x 3-1/2"L x 1/32" T (if needed)
  • All labeling materials for denoting the contents of the boxes described above
  • All tape for securing boxes (Type: 2" wide, clear, transparent packaging tape)

3. Assembly

The vendor shall assemble 2 identically numbered cable tags for each sequential cable number on the list. The cable number tags shall be assembled by inserting 5 plastic numberic tags into each plastic tag holder as illustrated below. The 50 tag assembly shall be centered in the tag holder. If so directed by the District's representative, a dab of rubber cement shall be used to secure the outermost tags on each end of the 5-tag assembly (normally not required). The purpose of the rubber cement is to help prevent loose-fitting tags from accidently coming out of the tag holder during handling.

4. Packaging

4.1 Boxes shall be provided by the District as indicated on page 1 of this standard. Each pair of assembled cable number tags shall be placed in numerical order in a single upright row of 50 tags per small box. Cable number tags shall be placed in the small boxees such that the lowest number in the series is placed on the left-hand end of the box. Numbers shall face the left-hand end of the box. The small boxes have truck type covers that are hinged along one of their long sides. The front of the box is taken to be the long side opposite the side that is hinged.

4.2 If so directed by the District's representative, after it is filled with assembled cable tags, the cover of each small box shall be secured with a heavy duty rubber band placed around its center across its width.

4.3 Small boxes of assembled cable number tags shall be bulk packaged in large boxes. When possible, the maximum number of small boxes (7) shall be placed in the large boxes. Large boxes shall be taped shut with 2 inch wide, clear, transparent packaging tape.

4.4 Cable number tags assigned to one office shall not be mixed together in the same box (small or large) with tags assigned to another office.

4.5 Boxes of bulk packaged cable number tags shall be delivered to the District on nonreturnable wooden pallets suitable for moving with a forklift.

5. Labeling Boxes

5.1 Each small box, containing a minimum of 25 pairs of cable number tags, shall be labeled with the range of cable tag numbers it contains; for example:

5.2 Each large box shall be labeled with the name of the District office to which the tags are assigned as well as the range of cable tag numbers they contain; for example:

5.3 For uniformity, labels shall be placed in the same location on all boxes of each size. Labels shall not be applied to the top of boxes. The small boxes shall be labeled in two places; one label shall be located on the front of the box and another identical label shall be located on the left side of the box. The label on the large box shall be located on one side of the box.

5.4 Labels shall be neatly printed and easy to read. Labels may be an adhesive-backed type or may be written directly on the box. Handwritten labels shall be printed in black using a finepoint permanent waterproof marker (the preferred marker is a Sanford brand Sharpie Fine Point Permanent Marker) or a medium point ballpoint pen. The District's representative shall be the sole judge as to the acceptability of labeling.

6. Pick Up And Delivery

6.1 The vendor shall be responsible for coming to the District's Operations Center Warehouse to pick up the materials required for assembling and packaging cable tags. The District will notify the vendor when the materials are ready to be picked up. Unless other arrangements are made with the District, the vendor shall pick up the materials within 3 working days of being notified. The District's Operations Center Warehouse is loacted at 1802 75th Street SW in Everett, Washington. Hours of operation for pickup and delivery are 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

6.2 The vendor shall be responsible fordelivering the assembled tags to the Receiving Area at the District's Operations Center Warehouse.

7. Excess Materials

Any materials supplied by the District which are leftover after the assembly job is completed shall be returned to the District. The vendor shall sort and repackage, in their original ziplock plastic bags, leftover tags and tag holders that are not defective. The leftover pieces shall be repackaged 25 per bag. The exception is that there should be only a minimal amount of excess materials.