387151.1 3 1-2 inch Labels

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Revision 1
Dec 20, 2010

1. Scope

This specification applies to District equipment decals as illustrated.

2. Material and Decal Requirements

Refer to District Material Standard DECALMAT5.

3. Material ID Numbers

This specification applies to the following District Material ID Numbers:

387151 Numeric 0   387309 Letter F   387440 Letter T
387169 Numeric 1   387317 Letter G   387458 Letter U
387177 Numeric 2   387325 Letter H   387466 Letter V
387185 Numeric 3   387333 Letter I   387474 Letter W
387193 Numeric 4   387341 Letter J   387482 Letter X
387200 Numeric 5   387359 Letter K   387490 Letter Y
387218 Numeric 6   387367 Letter L   387507 Letter Z
387226 Numeric 7   387375 Letter M   387523 Slash /
387234 Numeric 8   387383 Letter N   357549 Hyphen -
387250 Letter A   387151 Letter O   387565 Arrow
387268 Letter B   387408 Letter P   387581 Line |
387276 Letter C   387416 Letter Q   1000947 Fraction ½
387284 Letter D   387424 Letter R        
387292 Letter E   387432 Letter S        

4. Size

Decals shall be 3-1/2" high x 2" wide. Letter, number, and fraction labels shall have a border that extends 1/4" beyond copy text on all four sides. Letter, number, and fraction legend shall be printed 3" high. Slash legend shall be 1/2" in width. The border shall extend 1/4" beyond copy legend on top and bottom. Hyphen legend shall be centered on label and shall be 5/8" high and 1-1/2" wide. The border shall extend 1/4" beyond copy legend on two sides. Arrow legend shall be printed 3" high. The border shall extend 1/4" beyond copy legend on all four sides. Line legend shall be centered on label and shall be 3" high and 5/8" wide. The border shall extend 1/4" beyond copy legend on top and bottom.

5. Color

UV resistant black opaque background with white reflective reversed out copy.