385212.1 PUD Vehicle Decals

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Revision 4
Sep 10, 2020

1. Scope

This specification applies to District Material ID 385212 decals as illustrated.

2. Material and Decal Requirements

Refer to District Material Standard DECALMAT1.

3. Size

Decals shall be 5.375" high x 14" wide with 0.750" radius corners.

4. Color

Two colors. Black opaque top and bottom bars with reversed out white reflective lettering. 3M transparent green #4408, or District approved equivalent, "PUD" with black opaque outline. All inks shall be UV inhibited.

5. Clear Coat

Decal shall be clear coated with 3M 4430R, or District approved equivalent, Overprint Clear.

6. Application Tape

Decal shall have 3M SCPM-44X premasking tape applied for aid in application.