1001379.1 Multiple Padlock Device

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Revision 2
Mar 30, 2012

1. Scope

This specification applies to the steel padlock locking device pictured above. This device will be used on chainlink gates and other locations to allow multiple entry access via individual padlocks to multiple owners/agencies.

2. Bar

Carbon, alloy or stainless steel U-shaped bar shall be 3/8" in diameter and shall be 10" in length before forming into the U-shape. After forming U-shape inside dimensions of the bar shall be approximately 3-3/4" high x 2" wide. The bar shall have two lengthwise incisions, (laser cut, water jet cut or other District approved methods) near each end of the bar.

Each incision shall begin 3/8" from the end of the bar and shall be approximately 1" in height and slightly wider than 1/8" in width to accommodate the padlock tabs that will be inserted into the bar.

3. Tabs

Tabs shall be made of carbon, alloy or stainless steel. Tabs shall be made in two styles, single hole and double hole. Thickness of each tab to be inserted through the bar slots shall be 1/8", each tab shall be approximately 1" in height.

Single hole tabs shall be rounded and tapered slightly at hole end to allow easy installation through bar slot. The opposite end of each single hole tab shall be of sufficient thickness to form a lip that will not allow tab to be pulled through the slot. Each tab hole shall be 1/2" in diameter.

Double hole tabs shall be approximately 1/8" thick, 1" high and 2-1/2" long. Each end of double hole tab shall also be rounded and tapered slightly to allow easy installation through bar slot. Each tab hole shall be 1/2" in diameter. There shall be a minimum of 5/8" and a maximum of 7/8" separation between the edges of the two holes on the double hole tabs.

4. Material / Finish

Each bar and tab shall be made from stainless, carbon or alloy steel. Carbon or alloy steel shall be zinc plated after manufacturing for maximum corrosion protection.

5. Material ID Numbers

This specification applies to the following District Material ID Numbers: 1001379(bar with single hole lock loop tabs) & 1001380 (double hole lock loop tabs).

6. Packaging

Each U-shaped bar shall be shipped with two single lock loop tabs installed in the bar and secured in the bar to prevent their loss. Double hole tabs shall be packaged separately from the U-shaped bars and single lock loops. There shall be a maximum of 25 items per box.