Y0112-3 - Catch Basin Insert and Filter Sock

Revision 0
Feb 4, 2011

Compatible Unit Fig. Description Qty MID
Y0112 1 Insert, Catch Basin 36" x 48" x 18" Oil & Sediment Filter 1 1002511
Y0113 2 Sock, Filter 8" Dia. x 5' Long 450 GPM 1 1002525


  1. Catch basin insert filters are designed for installation just below the drain grate on storm water catch basins. They are fabricated from a non-woven polypropylene Geotextile. They help remove waste from storm water and construction site water before it becomes a problem in the water system. .
  2. When the catch basin insert filter has accumulated about 6" of sediment it's recommended that it be replaced. Where heavy sediment loads are present, such as at construction sites, the filter should be checked daily. The depth of the accumulation can be determined by probing with a measuring stick. The unit should also be changed if free oil can be seen floating and is not being absorbed.
  3. Filter socks are designed for attachment to a drainage hose such as would be used when pumping out a vault prior to working in it. Filter socks filter silt, oil, oil sheen, and oil-borne contaminants from water discharges.