I0320A-D - 15kV Conductor Spacers

Revision 4
Oct 8, 2018


Compatible Unit Description Qty MID
I0320A Spacer, 24" 15kV 336.4 - 795 kcmil AAC w/ Clamp Ends 1 1001288
I0320B Spacer, 31" 15kV 336.4 - 795 kcmil AAC w/ Clamp Ends 1 1001863
I0320C Spacer, 18" 15kV 336.4 -795 kcmil AAC w/ Clamp Ends 1 5001481
I0320D Spacer, 54" 15kV 336.4 -795 kcmil AAC w/ Clamp Ends 1 5004948


  1. Conductor spacers are used at the District on primary overhead distribution feeder circuits to prevent conductor-to-conductor contact during faults.
  2. As a standard practice, I0320A 24" spacers should be installed at mid-span when using 13 ft 6-pin double circuit crossarm framing for span lengths greater than 150 ft for 336.4 or 795 kcmil AAC conductors. One I0320A spacer should be installed between each pair of conductors having 24" horizontal spacing. For example, four I0320A spacers should be installed at the mid-point of a 300 ft double circuit span.
  3. I0320B, the 31" spacer, should be used only as directed by System Planning & Protection.
  4. An example of where the 31" spacer might be used is for circuits framed with 10 ft 4-pin crossarms where there are 3 or 4 conductors on the arm with 31" horizontal spacing between 2 conductors and the conductors are strung with a reduced design tension, i.e., less than the District's standard 2460 lb design tension for 336.4 kcmil AAC conductors. Reduced tension construction is sometimes used when it is not feasible to get easements to accommodate the anchor and guy leads required for standard design tensions.