F1215 - Expanding Foam Duct Sealant
Revision 3
Apr 23, 2013

C.U. | Description | Qty | MID |
F1215 | Sealant, Expanding Foam Aerosol Propellant | 1 | 784050 |
- This product is a two part urethane foam packaged in a single aerosol can. Its primary use is for sealing electrical ducts, with and without cables in them, against the passage of water. It is to be used only for special applications. It is not District practice to seal all ducts.
- The product is packaged with two 9” actuator nozzles (dispensing tubes) and a set of instructions. When used per instructions the material should yield 600 cubic inches of foam sealant per 13 ounce can.
- The product has a shelf life of 9 months. Each can is dated.
- Upon application, the foam expands rapidly inside the duct to fill and seal around cables. The expanding foam forces itself between cables and against the inner wall of a duct. The foam bonds strongly to cables and duct. The product exhibits its best performance when applied at a can temperature of 60 °F - 80 °F. Under normal conditions the foam is:
- Tack-free in approximately 1 minute
- Fully expanded in approximately 3 minutes
- Suitable for cutting or trimming in approximately 5 minutes
- The foam has the capacity to stop water flowing at the rate of approximately 60 gallons per hour. The cured foam should not shrink or harden with age and should not be affected by solvents or water.
- Toxic vapor testing by the District confirmed that when used according to manufacturer instructions no engineering controls or respiratory protection is required for the safe installation of this product.
- Empty product cans containing residual amounts of the product are suitable for disposal as nonhazardous waste as recognized by local and Washington State waste disposal standards. If only a small amount of product is left in the can, the foam should be sprayed into a bag or box for disposal with other nonhazardous waste material. Used cans of the product shall be disposed of in containers provided by the District which are labeled "WASTE AEROSOL CANS ONLY".
- Spare actuator nozzles are stocked under District MID 1001347.